Goal Management

Hello, I’m Jasmin from the FowApps team. I work closely with the product development team. During my time here, I had the opportunity to delve into the CRM world and understand its detailed role in our lives. With so many technologies and innovations around, we often know very little about them and incorporate them into our lives even less. I’m excited to be here with you on this platform, where I can share the rich content of the CRM world, innovations in sales management and customer relationship management, and the endless features of CRM. Our topic for this week: Goal Management…

How often do you discuss goal setting with your team? For many managers, these discussions are more like checking a box every three to four months, indicating whether the goal has been “achieved” or “not achieved,” rather than an ongoing dialogue. In other words, we focus more on outcomes than goals. As a result, we position the concept of goals in our lives in a way that nobody enjoys, with annual performance reviews that employees dislike.

But what if you could find a way to reverse this?

Is it possible to transform the annual performance review and goal-setting process into a positive process where employees feel empowered to learn and grow?

Our answer: Definitely yes.

All research emphasizes the critical importance of setting regular goals to manage motivated, productive, and high-growth teams. From this perspective, we can say that goal setting has significant advantages not only for organizations and managers but also for employees. Nowadays, offering a salary alone is no longer seen as a strong enough reason for companies to retain the best talents and attract new ones. Providing a transparent culture directed by clearly defined goals is now a competitive advantage among companies.

So, what does all this mean for you? Here are the details of what your team will gain from goal setting and how you can effectively implement it strategically…


Regularly communicating clear and concrete goals has a significant impact on your team’s productivity, motivation, and ultimately, growth. This not only keeps everyone on the same page but also ensures that your goals are fully understood in terms of what and why they serve. On the other hand, not having a formal goal-setting process will inevitably lead to your team feeling demotivated and inefficient.

When done correctly, goal setting can benefit you in the following ways:


Goal setting is an easy way to motivate your employees in the workplace.

Goal Management – Prioritization

Having a clear goal in mind helps focus on priorities. The ability to prioritize goals will enhance an employee’s forward planning and focus.

Goal Management – Decision Making

Goals help improve an employee’s decision-making skills.

Goal Management – Teamwork

When individual goals are aligned with corporate goals, it encourages teamwork.

Measurable Success

When done correctly, goal setting will help measure the success of both the employee and the organization. The ‘S.M.A.R.T.’ method can be used to make defined goals qualitative and quantitative.

SMART method stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Bound. Measurable goals will help everyone evaluate the results and understand what is effective.

Time Management

Time is one of the most crucial resources for any business. Having a clear goal helps employees manage their time effectively.

Goal Management – How Do You Measure Your Goals?

Measuring performance is essential for many aspects of every business. It involves collecting and analyzing information about individual employee or specific department performance.

How do you measure performance? There are many employee performance metrics used for performance measurement. Regardless of the metrics used, they usually work only when they are SMART.

SMART is a widely used framework globally for measuring, setting, and managing goals. Having the SMART framework helps you organize your goal-setting process in a systematic way.


Setting SMART goals is not only personal but also applicable at the company and team levels, signifying a point where all employees will eventually start communicating. Initially, it may feel like an obligation, but over time, it will become genuine and organic. Goals have the potential to transform ordinary teams into high-performing teams.

Now, let’s quickly go through what the S.M.A.R.T. acronym is trying to convey.

S – Specific

What are you aiming to achieve? Be specific!

M – Measurable

How are you measuring success? Use fixed metrics or numbers. When you can measure a goal, you can also say whether the goal has been successfully achieved.

A – Attainable

Is this goal possible considering your resources and time constraints? They cannot be too easy but also cannot be too difficult. Your goal should make you sweat a little, motivate you, and not lead you to despair.

R – Relevant

Goal setting alone will not be enough. You must ensure that these goals are relevant to the people who will use them.

And, of course, they should be in line with your corporate goals and help the organization grow.

T – Time-Bound

What is the deadline for this goal? There should be a timeframe in which the goal can be achieved, and when goals are tied to a specific timeframe, they tend to be motivating.

Goal Management – A Tip From the FowCRM Team

By applying the strategies we discussed regarding goal definition technically and methodologically, you can define your goals in FowCRM on an annual, monthly, or individual and team basis. So how can you use the goals you defined in FowCRM more effectively? Let’s look at an example together through a hypothetical scenario!

You can define as many goals as you want in the Goals section. Your goals can be related to your sales opportunities or the activities you have created. For example, let’s assume you have sales teams in Ankara and Istanbul. By defining individuals working in these teams as different teams in CRM, you can define activity goals on a team and individual basis. As a result, you can see how close each sales team is to its goal and how much they have achieved.

You can learn which sales team in which region made more calls to customers or which person had more meetings.

Did you know that you can also get these defined goals as an “Report” output? If you select your source as “Goals” when attaching a report, you can view your defined goals through graphs and share these reports with your entire team and managers by printing them out. And we know that some of you may not welcome these reports shared with managers, but as a team, we trust that you will achieve more than what you aim for. 😊

If you are having difficulty creating the mentioned team structure, you can check our documents.

Knowledge Base

You might want to read the following article:

Goal | Fow.Docsdocs.fowapps.com The Goal Module in FowCRM allows teams or users to define goals for specific periods. Goals can be defined for various modules with various metrics and parameters.

If you liked the content, you can also check out the articles we shared in previous weeks, such as Activity, Lead, and Pipeline.

See you again soon! 👋🏻