Analytics & Data Management

April 13, 2022 2024-01-15 11:31

Focus on details

We provide a robust platform to harness the power of data, offering a suite of modules designed to transform raw information into strategic intelligence.

Decide smarter

In today's data-driven business landscape, gaining actionable insights is paramount for making informed decisions. Thanks to FowCRM’s analytics and data management, you can be on the same page with your customers and increase your sales and profitability.

Reports & Dashboard

Visualise your data with intuitive reports and dashboards.

Collect Customer Data

Centralise and manage customer data for a holistic view.

Calculated Data

Transform raw data into meaningful metrics for deeper analysis.

Report Builder

Empower users to create custom reports tailored to their needs:

BI Integration

Integrate seamlessly with powerful business intelligence tools.

Export & Import Data

Efficiently manage data flow in and out of your CRM system:

Major industries we serve

We don’t just satisfy; we help you succeed. Check out some of our clients’ industries.